Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Serious, I am freaking myself out too...

Before I login to my account, I took a look at my blog.. My reaction: Since when I am making a blog about Gorillaz!! It should be something else!!
So the first one to go is the advertisement thingy [forgotten what it's called, my nose is partially blocked so I got no intention to write or think or type something full of sense until my nose is free of nose dung... :P
Then, my style for the week is LATIN SIMONE. Yes, it's a Gorillaz song but the lyrics seems like what I am feeling now and yeah and check it out. [It's WHITE!!!]
Gosh, still can't breathe properly, so yeah like what the title for this not so nice bloggie postie, DAMN IT!!! IT'S ANNOYING!! MY NOSE!!!

P.S. : I changed my name to Japanese: Yuna. but... how about Korean?? 연의 링...?? Is it cool or still Japanese?? Dunno.. MY FRIGGING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON WAIT THERE'S! DAMN YOU SMOKES!! MY NOSE!!!

Not properly posted by 연의 링

Friday, July 2, 2010

Crying Out Loud!!!

I want to bang my head onto the wall!!! I can't stop looking at Gorillaz pictures!!! And the worst is.. it is Murrdoc.. :P

Gorillaz- 19/2000 Love this video!!!

Gorillaz- 19/2000


Murdoc is [ vomits blood ] kinda AWESOME in a way, that you got to admit!

           Wow.. That is a long title for a blog post. So like what the title screams, yes, in a way I sort of admire Murdoc.. I think. Okay, fine! Cut the story short. Yes, I do have a slight liking towards that greenish, super longed tongue, Anti Christ character!! [ Take a breath ] Woah, that was long.. However.. Thank God, he is just a character.. Who want to be involve in Anti Christ??? That is what making me sick with the world. Disgust with myself, rather.. Did I not mentioned that I used to like one Naruto character, Orochimaru..?? Strange, he had a long tongue too... [ Short- circuited... Chill and statics run down my spine.. ] Dude... I got a serious issue.. Oh well.. But still, ewww.. Blech... So yeah... Okay.. I don't know what else to write... Oh yeah... Never mind, this post is only meant for confessing a liking towards an animated character, as the usual... Yeah, you can see that I am a big fan of weirdness ever sonce my blog has a Gorillaz picture.  

Murdoc look absolute sweet for some reasons... :]

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh no!!! I'm growing again!!!!

            "No. No. It can't be happening!!!!! I am growing older!!! [Scream!!!!] I maybe going to be 15 this year but.. No. No. [Long face] But it can't be help... July 8th, the birth of me.... Scary.. scary... scary... Fifteen.. heeeheeeeheee.. :[ Oh no... O.o"
            This had happened after I woke up, realising that it's already June. PMR is coming.. I can't help it but.. being a child is fun.. I love hugging my smelly bear who smelled just like me, my dirty panda from white to gray, my cold, single size bed covered with a blue bedsheet which is covered with little children swimming and playing beachball, my pillow-size bunny, turtle with pinkie ribbon, white teddy, a jockey's horse from Japan, a pelican and a mama sheep.. I felt guilty for mama sheep.. She used to have a baby sheep sticking onto her and I cut it off the mama sheep when I was a kid then. Poor mama sheep and her kid.. :[
              Still.. I am going to be the one who still prefer a toy than a bolster which is kinda hard and stiff or too soft for my liking.. I like the fur of my toys rubbing against my skin when I seek for warmth or coziness.. Pretty toys...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love on the Melancholy Hill~

           Everytime I hear one of my favourite Gorillaz song on my phone, On Melancoly Hill, it reminds me of the foursome [2D, Noodle, Murdoc and Russell] lying on the grassy land on the Plastic Beach. Hmmm... It also sounds like OwlCity.. :D kinda though. I love it... but all I can think on the song is 2D.. He ended up as my blog picture.. [Giggle] Cute guy with blue purpluish hair, yet he has no brain... sad... I was thrill when I finished my drawing of him.. Happy~~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

RED ALERT TUTORIAL:::: How to show your mum your exam results?

           This week is like a piece of trash that I want to avoid and will never look back. Look around you and you will feel that you are the weakest of all. It makes me want to compete... Wait.. Pause... [Short- Circuited] Hey!!! Competing is never my cup of tea, unless it is car-racing, fighting [the real one, real weapons and myself included :)] and etc, etc..
            Exams were never my cup of tea. Ask me about exams, I will go pale and I will reply, "I did not study..." then I will hyperventilate, then crazy, then you will see me sucking up to Elynn with her repeating everything she had read. That time I will record what she said. So study life, no way. It goes to the trash, sometimes, just like my love life. I just wish someone invented a pill which is like a pendrive, storing anything you want into it, swallow it, voila!! You are a walking Wikipedia!! Wanna remove it..? Eat lots of fiber, it will go straight to your rectum. Sounds easy and awesome, right? I guess this invention only appears after millions years..
            And doing the paper is not that bad. You did your best and you are satisfied. Your answers, wrong or right. No changes and move on with your life. But the worse side of exam is... your parents... In my case, it's my mum. She will be cold shoulders to me, the glaring eyes... [Can I just drop dead...?!?!?!] Then I will get the scoldings, etc, etc.. Blech.. It's a neck-strangling situation! I did my best, I was satisfied with the answers, the papers were hard, still I did my best. It's my papers and you are worried!?!?! Please do not make me laugh... You worry? Be my guest and do my paper. Don't want to? Your choice is no. [Fact here is:: The examinee is satisfied, however, the relation of the examinee is not satisfied.]
             Hide the paper, you say? Nay, she'll ask about the exams!
             Write her a letter? Cold shoulders...
             Give her the papers..? I feel like walking into the trap...
             Make her to understand you? Oh no! Try that once.. and what happened? Yell at me, thinking I worth  a crap.
              So what am I going to do? I seriously don't know. I need to crack my brain, just for this? What a no life job... Study sometimes are useless, you need IQ and EQ,  NOT TEXTBOOKS IN YOUR BRAIN!! S**T!! SO WHAT? YOU GO OUT TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD FILLED WITH WOLVES, TELLING THEM ABOUT TATABAHASA??? ALGEBRA??? CALCIUM OXIDE?? ONE-MAN CRUSADOE??? DR. JEKYLL&MR. HYDE??? PUTTING A COMA BEFORE DAN??
              The world is rather a cruel place. You can go crazy anytime, be suicidal, and die. Or be the wolves and eat the sheeps. Kill or be killed. Whose fault is stress?? And stop killing the trees.. for exam papers. Realistic is worth the crap, not me. And stop blaming me! Get this into your mind! I inherited your blood!! If you detest me so much, shall I cut myself and bleed out your blood? So stop blaming and pressurizing me!! Your voice is worse than the voices in my head!!! Please! You are killing me indirectly. So it's me making you psycho yeah? Then psycho this!!! I feel suicidal every single day! Dying had become an everyday option! I am becoming a zombie!! Stop increasing the murderous intentions of my demons!! Stop comparing me with them!! I am not even Form 4, he's Form 4 and I am Form 3. Stop making my beautiful world into a living pit of Hell!! Don't make me a wolf.. Don't feed the pieces of hate in my heart.. Stop blaming and start living!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'M BACK, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here am I, all back with new obsessions!!!!!!~ What else can I say? Even my friends know that I jump one obsession to another.
               The very first of all is... GORILLAZ!!!!!!!! It is actually an old unrealized liking for the band. Eversince I heard the songs "Feel Good Inc" and "Clint Eastwood" when I was a kid, I like 2D and Noodle! Sad for Noodle actually, I always thought she was a boy.. And of course, now I am STUCK with them! How I wish they are coming to Malaysia but it looks like it is never going to happen.. Sad.. Well, who cares?!?!?!?! [I do]
               As a artistic crazed girl, my obsession for fetish has become GAS MASKS!! I know it sounds weird and all.. but it looks awesome. Naturally, this obsession had come in a pack with the obsession of WEAPONOLOGY~~ hahahahahahahahaha.. [Sorry, I am really HYPER today | happy happy] It's more radiacal and biology weaponology.. Yeah... And I am trying my best to create a collection of people wearing gas mask.. I did one in my textbook and anotther version of myself but it needs repair work for some part.. Never the less, they look AWESOME!!! [Yes, I am screaming my head off, like I say, HYPERNESS~~]
                And as a Naruto fan or more like a NARUTARDS [hahahahaha], my favourite character is... OROCHIMARU!!! His tongue is BLECH!! but that dude is cute and hot~ when he was a kid.. Too bad he grew.. I drew one boy like him with different hairstyle and face expressions and DAMN HE LOOKS DAMN FRIGGING CUTE!!! [I tend to use frigging as in freaking, by the way I HATE the four letter word, wait not hate, DESPISE!! DETEST!!! EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!!!!]
                So.... I want to stop typing for awhile.. My hyperness made me typed to fast.. Heehehehehe.. :]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


        Finally, I am writing here again. Whoever visits this bloggie, me is sorry for not updating. I did not plan to keep a dead blog. So here goes~

Well, this few months had been not proper. I can't love anyone or myself anymore. I cannot remember how do I laugh. Or how I smile with all the loved ones around me. My memory had just reflect the same grey thing. I don't want to mop around or drown myself in the darkness.. I don't feel happiness at all. I can't feel my heart beating. I am not much of myself anymore. I don't think like I used to. I just hope I can be myself again because I really want to be myself again..

Friday, April 16, 2010

A short prayer to Lord Jesus.

Dear Father Jesus,
        These few days I have been receiving a lot of Trojan Horse virus. I wonder why at first since I downloaded one internet security. But, Lord, I realised something too, it is not Firewall. So thank you for reminding me of Firewall. I am going to download it before I delete too much of .tmp whatever that is. It must have been an important too. So thank you Lord.
        And thank you for the Phineas and Ferb Best top 10 songs of Candace. It really cheer me up, maybe I will download them too. :) They are too cute!!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

"How's Life?" you asked...

         You sat across me, a table away from me and you asked, "How's Life?" The most common way to start a simple conversation. Glancing up from my drink, I looked up and suck a little and swallowed and suck the cold drink into my mouth again. I stopped and smiled at you. Seeing that you are actually waiting for an answer, I eventually replied, "Life's just fine. The usual for me. Other than battling with pathetic Trojan-horsie viruses popping out from nowhere and doing homeworks, Life is like the usual."
         You looked around, not knowing what to say next, so I took the opportunity to talk. "Hey, you know... Never mind..."

          Another short memory of my Life before I sleep, the battle of Trojans and the tiredness of my eyes. Needless to say, I just remembered I got a BM essay to do and it is due tomorrow. Sheesh, cannot pass up on time. As I said earlier, I am very tired, so I will be off to bed now... <3 Goodnight~

Monday, April 12, 2010

Making My Best Friend Happy... with SS501!!!

I am not a SS501 fan at all. No, no, no. Just some K-Pop. I prefer Rock like Linkin Park and Paramore. [Misery Business~ and Pressure~] But the pictures are soo cute and adorable. That's how i want my little brothers look like. Kawaai~~

So... If my bestie did ever bother to drop by here... which most likely no, please leave a comment, mama..

Sunday, April 11, 2010

WMS concert- Flower Drum Song

         When my friend told me of Flower Drum Song, I went " What the hell/heck [I cannot remember what I said, it could be jiaksi- eat shit] is Flower Drum Song?!?!?" As the usual, I did what I always do and found what is FDS. An American-cum-Chinese novel... Oh dear, it's musical. Whoot!?!?! A illegal Chinese immigrant girl was married off with the boss of a BAR!!!! The word "bar" immediately brought me to Horrorland. Bar means.. showgirl.. I drop dead for awhile and revived as I remembered my friend had told me to check out the songs. The title itself is already giving a sense of unexplainable aura, I know, I know. I am exagerating.. That was few weeks ago.
         And now, I sign up for the Costume Department. There is certainly and obviously some lose screws in my head... Hope I can cooperate with the girls who join the department too. They are the girls that would not want to be with, I think... Oh well, at least I can design something which can be shown to the public. Oh no, I'm feeling devilish again. Crazy random girl who loves publicity.. so random..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My version of Hansel and Gretel

          "Go YELLOW!!!!"
          "Go BLUE!!!!"
          The enthusiastic crowd of students cried for their houses till their lungs were out of air. The Yellow House runner ran towards the finishing line, causing the crowd to screamed even louder.
          However, those students were oblivious of what was going to happen.
          A girl was sitting with her group of friends, listening to her headphones, ignoring the crowd and the race. As her friends stopped cheering for awhile, the girl offered them some sweets and they ate it. They all declared it delicious and wanted more. So they took more and more and emptied the box. They asked the girl why did not she consume any of it since she had made it and must have loved it. She shooked her head and smiled. The next race began.
          The girl stood up and walked down the stairs. She passed by a group of boys who tried to flirt with her. She ignored their comments and glared at them. The boys took the glare as a yes and followed the girl. The more they followed, the harder for them to catch up with the girl. Soon they lose her. They continued a bit but there was no sign of her. "Art thou beseon fore mec?"
           The boys turned around and saw the girl. She was holding a long scythe in her hand. She looked up at them and grinned evilly at them. A laughter was heard from behind of the girl.
            "Oh, Gretel! Are you playing with your dolls again? Am I not good enough for you?"
           The girl who was called Gretel looked at the boy and replied, "Hansel, please stop treating me like a kid. I am making you dinner so please do not disturb me!"

[ I just thought of this while I was in the car going to the stadium. It's just so random. Out of nowhere the hungry siblings hunting for food..]

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ludwig Kakumei~

I am warning you, I am not writing the review in its normal format. I am going to write it my way!!! Bwahahahahaha~ I'm feeling very devilish today, for some reasons, a good devilish. I don't fancy being a bad one- no fun.
          Ludwig Kakumei- and also known as Ludwig Revolution- is another artwork by Yuki Kaori. For those who read Godchild Cain and loved it, I bet you will love this too!!!
          To think of it, Ludwig and Cain had a resemblence. Yuki Kaori had a darn good way to draw these freaking hot people... Anyway, the story is based on Grimm's dark horror "fairy" tales [the originals are my type, unlike the Disney's happily ever after version- so lame and boring except for Enchanted- it's kinda funny, though] Ludwig or nicknamed in the manga, Prince Lui, in the chapter 1 had a hobby of collecting women's corpses. The King told him to get a suitable wife -as in not dead- and so Lui embarked on a journey to find his bride. He met Snow White, Rapunzel and etc etc etc..
          This darn prince is so perverted.. Most of the time he looked for big bust... However, I wished that Pirncess Idike did not die.. She's the Sleeping Beauty.. She died of old age... The princess Lui loved is Idike, so sad.. Never mind that though since he continued his journey, he was targeted  by HANSEL and GRETEL and LISETTE the RED RIDING HOOD. Hansel was kinda of cute before he was used to entertained some crazy people and got scars.
          I will continue this post later. Mum's home.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I love pigs~

This is one of the pictures that I drew with the Paints app in the computer during the holidays last year. That's how I really felt during the holidays, utterly lazy... :]

Teenagers like Me...

I look at my mum, wondering why she is so… indescribable. Or was it just me? What is wrong with not asking, not knowing and walks like mummy when you are buying instant noodles…? These were the thoughts of a fourteen-years-old.

Instant noodles are waxed noodles with powder for soup?? Gross me out but I still eat them. Instant noodles are kind of tasty when you are hungry but I rather eat plain bread unless I am really hungry.

So maybe it is my fault, no, it is my fault. For not asking which noodles I should buy, walking like a dead mummy and not knowing which instant noodles. Come on, probably walking like a mummy is really annoying but you don’t have to yell at someone in the car where the little sister is staring at you and you are driving and you are glaring at your elder daughter through the mirror. That is a lot of multitasking. It is not surprising if there is a car accident after those multitasking.

[Sigh] I am thinking in my age which is sometimes very annoying because adults always think that teenagers are utterly immature and adventurous children who don’t give a care or thought about this huge, disgusting, and corrupted world and all this corruption are because of us?

Yes, there are crimes from the juveniles and kids. But I don’t expect you adults to keep them in juvenile prison or give them punishment like whipping [which they do in my country]. This only causes anger and revenge in them. If they are still considered bad, rotten apples, you are not giving them hope but more anger and depression. It is just the same when you are look down by some people.

Instead of giving hard-cored punishments, give them love and hope. If you show them that you care about them, they can change dramatically. Really, this doesn’t just happen in the movie.
TRUST. FAITH. LOVE. All these are very important in your Life. If you don't have them, find them as they will bring the best out of your life.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Staying up late, as the usual, in the Night.

Here I am, staying up late in my room like the usual. Finally, I got myself a blog. I've been writing all my crap onto Microsoft and it just stays there, doing nothing. [Obviously]
           Strangely, I just love to write down my thoughts even they still stay in my head.
Crickets are outside my room, they just sounded like electric, strange.
The car's engine pierced through the silent night. So quiet and nice. Not like the day which is noisy with the sounds from the sister of mine. At night, I can do whatever I want, at the same time I still want my oh-so-cold Bed who would not let me get out of it.
            Love the cold air. Love the electric cricket. Love the silence. Love the stillness. Love the dark sky. Love the night.

[My first post of the blog: The Bird and The Worm]