Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'M BACK, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here am I, all back with new obsessions!!!!!!~ What else can I say? Even my friends know that I jump one obsession to another.
               The very first of all is... GORILLAZ!!!!!!!! It is actually an old unrealized liking for the band. Eversince I heard the songs "Feel Good Inc" and "Clint Eastwood" when I was a kid, I like 2D and Noodle! Sad for Noodle actually, I always thought she was a boy.. And of course, now I am STUCK with them! How I wish they are coming to Malaysia but it looks like it is never going to happen.. Sad.. Well, who cares?!?!?!?! [I do]
               As a artistic crazed girl, my obsession for fetish has become GAS MASKS!! I know it sounds weird and all.. but it looks awesome. Naturally, this obsession had come in a pack with the obsession of WEAPONOLOGY~~ hahahahahahahahaha.. [Sorry, I am really HYPER today | happy happy] It's more radiacal and biology weaponology.. Yeah... And I am trying my best to create a collection of people wearing gas mask.. I did one in my textbook and anotther version of myself but it needs repair work for some part.. Never the less, they look AWESOME!!! [Yes, I am screaming my head off, like I say, HYPERNESS~~]
                And as a Naruto fan or more like a NARUTARDS [hahahahaha], my favourite character is... OROCHIMARU!!! His tongue is BLECH!! but that dude is cute and hot~ when he was a kid.. Too bad he grew.. I drew one boy like him with different hairstyle and face expressions and DAMN HE LOOKS DAMN FRIGGING CUTE!!! [I tend to use frigging as in freaking, by the way I HATE the four letter word, wait not hate, DESPISE!! DETEST!!! EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!!!!]
                So.... I want to stop typing for awhile.. My hyperness made me typed to fast.. Heehehehehe.. :]


  1. SS501's new image is gas masks.... :D naruto again.. i tot u used to love er.. Garaa? whatever... u've been eating chocolate again..

  2. haha!!! I'mma Narutard!!! D: OMG la.. Just got cockroach drop on my shoulder.. 0.0 so scary... and it's still in my room!!! ah..!?!?!?!?

  3. AHAHAHA....
    throw it away lar.
