Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Staying up late, as the usual, in the Night.

Here I am, staying up late in my room like the usual. Finally, I got myself a blog. I've been writing all my crap onto Microsoft and it just stays there, doing nothing. [Obviously]
           Strangely, I just love to write down my thoughts even they still stay in my head.
Crickets are outside my room, they just sounded like electric, strange.
The car's engine pierced through the silent night. So quiet and nice. Not like the day which is noisy with the sounds from the sister of mine. At night, I can do whatever I want, at the same time I still want my oh-so-cold Bed who would not let me get out of it.
            Love the cold air. Love the electric cricket. Love the silence. Love the stillness. Love the dark sky. Love the night.

[My first post of the blog: The Bird and The Worm]

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