Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Friday, April 16, 2010

A short prayer to Lord Jesus.

Dear Father Jesus,
        These few days I have been receiving a lot of Trojan Horse virus. I wonder why at first since I downloaded one internet security. But, Lord, I realised something too, it is not Firewall. So thank you for reminding me of Firewall. I am going to download it before I delete too much of .tmp whatever that is. It must have been an important too. So thank you Lord.
        And thank you for the Phineas and Ferb Best top 10 songs of Candace. It really cheer me up, maybe I will download them too. :) They are too cute!!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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