Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Monday, April 5, 2010

Teenagers like Me...

I look at my mum, wondering why she is so… indescribable. Or was it just me? What is wrong with not asking, not knowing and walks like mummy when you are buying instant noodles…? These were the thoughts of a fourteen-years-old.

Instant noodles are waxed noodles with powder for soup?? Gross me out but I still eat them. Instant noodles are kind of tasty when you are hungry but I rather eat plain bread unless I am really hungry.

So maybe it is my fault, no, it is my fault. For not asking which noodles I should buy, walking like a dead mummy and not knowing which instant noodles. Come on, probably walking like a mummy is really annoying but you don’t have to yell at someone in the car where the little sister is staring at you and you are driving and you are glaring at your elder daughter through the mirror. That is a lot of multitasking. It is not surprising if there is a car accident after those multitasking.

[Sigh] I am thinking in my age which is sometimes very annoying because adults always think that teenagers are utterly immature and adventurous children who don’t give a care or thought about this huge, disgusting, and corrupted world and all this corruption are because of us?

Yes, there are crimes from the juveniles and kids. But I don’t expect you adults to keep them in juvenile prison or give them punishment like whipping [which they do in my country]. This only causes anger and revenge in them. If they are still considered bad, rotten apples, you are not giving them hope but more anger and depression. It is just the same when you are look down by some people.

Instead of giving hard-cored punishments, give them love and hope. If you show them that you care about them, they can change dramatically. Really, this doesn’t just happen in the movie.
TRUST. FAITH. LOVE. All these are very important in your Life. If you don't have them, find them as they will bring the best out of your life.

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