Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My version of Hansel and Gretel

          "Go YELLOW!!!!"
          "Go BLUE!!!!"
          The enthusiastic crowd of students cried for their houses till their lungs were out of air. The Yellow House runner ran towards the finishing line, causing the crowd to screamed even louder.
          However, those students were oblivious of what was going to happen.
          A girl was sitting with her group of friends, listening to her headphones, ignoring the crowd and the race. As her friends stopped cheering for awhile, the girl offered them some sweets and they ate it. They all declared it delicious and wanted more. So they took more and more and emptied the box. They asked the girl why did not she consume any of it since she had made it and must have loved it. She shooked her head and smiled. The next race began.
          The girl stood up and walked down the stairs. She passed by a group of boys who tried to flirt with her. She ignored their comments and glared at them. The boys took the glare as a yes and followed the girl. The more they followed, the harder for them to catch up with the girl. Soon they lose her. They continued a bit but there was no sign of her. "Art thou beseon fore mec?"
           The boys turned around and saw the girl. She was holding a long scythe in her hand. She looked up at them and grinned evilly at them. A laughter was heard from behind of the girl.
            "Oh, Gretel! Are you playing with your dolls again? Am I not good enough for you?"
           The girl who was called Gretel looked at the boy and replied, "Hansel, please stop treating me like a kid. I am making you dinner so please do not disturb me!"

[ I just thought of this while I was in the car going to the stadium. It's just so random. Out of nowhere the hungry siblings hunting for food..]

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