Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Serious, I am freaking myself out too...

Before I login to my account, I took a look at my blog.. My reaction: Since when I am making a blog about Gorillaz!! It should be something else!!
So the first one to go is the advertisement thingy [forgotten what it's called, my nose is partially blocked so I got no intention to write or think or type something full of sense until my nose is free of nose dung... :P
Then, my style for the week is LATIN SIMONE. Yes, it's a Gorillaz song but the lyrics seems like what I am feeling now and yeah and check it out. [It's WHITE!!!]
Gosh, still can't breathe properly, so yeah like what the title for this not so nice bloggie postie, DAMN IT!!! IT'S ANNOYING!! MY NOSE!!!

P.S. : I changed my name to Japanese: Yuna. but... how about Korean?? 연의 링...?? Is it cool or still Japanese?? Dunno.. MY FRIGGING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON WAIT THERE'S! DAMN YOU SMOKES!! MY NOSE!!!

Not properly posted by 연의 링

Friday, July 2, 2010

Crying Out Loud!!!

I want to bang my head onto the wall!!! I can't stop looking at Gorillaz pictures!!! And the worst is.. it is Murrdoc.. :P

Gorillaz- 19/2000 Love this video!!!

Gorillaz- 19/2000


Murdoc is [ vomits blood ] kinda AWESOME in a way, that you got to admit!

           Wow.. That is a long title for a blog post. So like what the title screams, yes, in a way I sort of admire Murdoc.. I think. Okay, fine! Cut the story short. Yes, I do have a slight liking towards that greenish, super longed tongue, Anti Christ character!! [ Take a breath ] Woah, that was long.. However.. Thank God, he is just a character.. Who want to be involve in Anti Christ??? That is what making me sick with the world. Disgust with myself, rather.. Did I not mentioned that I used to like one Naruto character, Orochimaru..?? Strange, he had a long tongue too... [ Short- circuited... Chill and statics run down my spine.. ] Dude... I got a serious issue.. Oh well.. But still, ewww.. Blech... So yeah... Okay.. I don't know what else to write... Oh yeah... Never mind, this post is only meant for confessing a liking towards an animated character, as the usual... Yeah, you can see that I am a big fan of weirdness ever sonce my blog has a Gorillaz picture.  

Murdoc look absolute sweet for some reasons... :]

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh no!!! I'm growing again!!!!

            "No. No. It can't be happening!!!!! I am growing older!!! [Scream!!!!] I maybe going to be 15 this year but.. No. No. [Long face] But it can't be help... July 8th, the birth of me.... Scary.. scary... scary... Fifteen.. heeeheeeeheee.. :[ Oh no... O.o"
            This had happened after I woke up, realising that it's already June. PMR is coming.. I can't help it but.. being a child is fun.. I love hugging my smelly bear who smelled just like me, my dirty panda from white to gray, my cold, single size bed covered with a blue bedsheet which is covered with little children swimming and playing beachball, my pillow-size bunny, turtle with pinkie ribbon, white teddy, a jockey's horse from Japan, a pelican and a mama sheep.. I felt guilty for mama sheep.. She used to have a baby sheep sticking onto her and I cut it off the mama sheep when I was a kid then. Poor mama sheep and her kid.. :[
              Still.. I am going to be the one who still prefer a toy than a bolster which is kinda hard and stiff or too soft for my liking.. I like the fur of my toys rubbing against my skin when I seek for warmth or coziness.. Pretty toys...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love on the Melancholy Hill~

           Everytime I hear one of my favourite Gorillaz song on my phone, On Melancoly Hill, it reminds me of the foursome [2D, Noodle, Murdoc and Russell] lying on the grassy land on the Plastic Beach. Hmmm... It also sounds like OwlCity.. :D kinda though. I love it... but all I can think on the song is 2D.. He ended up as my blog picture.. [Giggle] Cute guy with blue purpluish hair, yet he has no brain... sad... I was thrill when I finished my drawing of him.. Happy~~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

RED ALERT TUTORIAL:::: How to show your mum your exam results?

           This week is like a piece of trash that I want to avoid and will never look back. Look around you and you will feel that you are the weakest of all. It makes me want to compete... Wait.. Pause... [Short- Circuited] Hey!!! Competing is never my cup of tea, unless it is car-racing, fighting [the real one, real weapons and myself included :)] and etc, etc..
            Exams were never my cup of tea. Ask me about exams, I will go pale and I will reply, "I did not study..." then I will hyperventilate, then crazy, then you will see me sucking up to Elynn with her repeating everything she had read. That time I will record what she said. So study life, no way. It goes to the trash, sometimes, just like my love life. I just wish someone invented a pill which is like a pendrive, storing anything you want into it, swallow it, voila!! You are a walking Wikipedia!! Wanna remove it..? Eat lots of fiber, it will go straight to your rectum. Sounds easy and awesome, right? I guess this invention only appears after millions years..
            And doing the paper is not that bad. You did your best and you are satisfied. Your answers, wrong or right. No changes and move on with your life. But the worse side of exam is... your parents... In my case, it's my mum. She will be cold shoulders to me, the glaring eyes... [Can I just drop dead...?!?!?!] Then I will get the scoldings, etc, etc.. Blech.. It's a neck-strangling situation! I did my best, I was satisfied with the answers, the papers were hard, still I did my best. It's my papers and you are worried!?!?! Please do not make me laugh... You worry? Be my guest and do my paper. Don't want to? Your choice is no. [Fact here is:: The examinee is satisfied, however, the relation of the examinee is not satisfied.]
             Hide the paper, you say? Nay, she'll ask about the exams!
             Write her a letter? Cold shoulders...
             Give her the papers..? I feel like walking into the trap...
             Make her to understand you? Oh no! Try that once.. and what happened? Yell at me, thinking I worth  a crap.
              So what am I going to do? I seriously don't know. I need to crack my brain, just for this? What a no life job... Study sometimes are useless, you need IQ and EQ,  NOT TEXTBOOKS IN YOUR BRAIN!! S**T!! SO WHAT? YOU GO OUT TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD FILLED WITH WOLVES, TELLING THEM ABOUT TATABAHASA??? ALGEBRA??? CALCIUM OXIDE?? ONE-MAN CRUSADOE??? DR. JEKYLL&MR. HYDE??? PUTTING A COMA BEFORE DAN??
              The world is rather a cruel place. You can go crazy anytime, be suicidal, and die. Or be the wolves and eat the sheeps. Kill or be killed. Whose fault is stress?? And stop killing the trees.. for exam papers. Realistic is worth the crap, not me. And stop blaming me! Get this into your mind! I inherited your blood!! If you detest me so much, shall I cut myself and bleed out your blood? So stop blaming and pressurizing me!! Your voice is worse than the voices in my head!!! Please! You are killing me indirectly. So it's me making you psycho yeah? Then psycho this!!! I feel suicidal every single day! Dying had become an everyday option! I am becoming a zombie!! Stop increasing the murderous intentions of my demons!! Stop comparing me with them!! I am not even Form 4, he's Form 4 and I am Form 3. Stop making my beautiful world into a living pit of Hell!! Don't make me a wolf.. Don't feed the pieces of hate in my heart.. Stop blaming and start living!