Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett

Gorrilaz by Jamie Hewlett
Wondrous Life in Ink

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Serious, I am freaking myself out too...

Before I login to my account, I took a look at my blog.. My reaction: Since when I am making a blog about Gorillaz!! It should be something else!!
So the first one to go is the advertisement thingy [forgotten what it's called, my nose is partially blocked so I got no intention to write or think or type something full of sense until my nose is free of nose dung... :P
Then, my style for the week is LATIN SIMONE. Yes, it's a Gorillaz song but the lyrics seems like what I am feeling now and yeah and check it out. [It's WHITE!!!]
Gosh, still can't breathe properly, so yeah like what the title for this not so nice bloggie postie, DAMN IT!!! IT'S ANNOYING!! MY NOSE!!!

P.S. : I changed my name to Japanese: Yuna. but... how about Korean?? 연의 링...?? Is it cool or still Japanese?? Dunno.. MY FRIGGING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON WAIT THERE'S! DAMN YOU SMOKES!! MY NOSE!!!

Not properly posted by 연의 링

Friday, July 2, 2010

Crying Out Loud!!!

I want to bang my head onto the wall!!! I can't stop looking at Gorillaz pictures!!! And the worst is.. it is Murrdoc.. :P

Gorillaz- 19/2000 Love this video!!!

Gorillaz- 19/2000


Murdoc is [ vomits blood ] kinda AWESOME in a way, that you got to admit!

           Wow.. That is a long title for a blog post. So like what the title screams, yes, in a way I sort of admire Murdoc.. I think. Okay, fine! Cut the story short. Yes, I do have a slight liking towards that greenish, super longed tongue, Anti Christ character!! [ Take a breath ] Woah, that was long.. However.. Thank God, he is just a character.. Who want to be involve in Anti Christ??? That is what making me sick with the world. Disgust with myself, rather.. Did I not mentioned that I used to like one Naruto character, Orochimaru..?? Strange, he had a long tongue too... [ Short- circuited... Chill and statics run down my spine.. ] Dude... I got a serious issue.. Oh well.. But still, ewww.. Blech... So yeah... Okay.. I don't know what else to write... Oh yeah... Never mind, this post is only meant for confessing a liking towards an animated character, as the usual... Yeah, you can see that I am a big fan of weirdness ever sonce my blog has a Gorillaz picture.  

Murdoc look absolute sweet for some reasons... :]